Saturday, February 19, 2011

Received the important I171H

Last night I noticed an important piece of mail sitting on our countertop before bedtime and realized that our I71H form had arrived!!  We were super excited that we received it back in exactly one week after getting our fingerprints done.  I didn't really know how long it would take but since this whole adoption is a big waiting game I always just tell myself it's going to take an extra long time for everything.  So it was great to have it one week later.  I did not have everything prepared to ship out so today I spent some time at Fedex/Kinko's making 3 copies of each of our documents and then putting them all in the appropriate order.  I think the guys at Kinkos thought I was nuts because I was carefully manually coping all docs rather feeding them quickly thru the tray. :)  I really hope that I did everything correctly, but I could only look at each paper so many times before I just had to have faith that I did it right.  Anyway, I am super excited to have everything done and out of my hands!  We now have to wait for the Agency in Virginia to receive and review them and send them to Ethiopia.  We are in the last step before being on the official 'waiting' list!!


  1. You know I could not be more excited for you guys!!! Such a huge step to have your dossier mailed off! Praying that all is good with your docs and that you are DTE this week!

  2. YAY!! I couldn't be more excited! Continuing to pray that everything goes smoothly!

  3. WOW--wonderful are getting closer and closer!! Prayers to you that all goes smoothly!
