Well, so much has happened since the last post!!!! We were just waiting and waiting so their wasn't so much to share. So since then Kylie Rose was born on Aug 6, 2012 and William Eyiba snuck in as the oldest sibling :) and came to be forever ours on Oct 29, 2012!! They are 9 1/2 months apart...fun stuff!! So the little boy we are still waiting for will now be the youngest of 3!! God sure has big plans if we let him take over! Ha! :)
So last post we were #29 on the list with America World and now we are #7!! We have to wait until at least Oct 29th for his referral but we could possibly choose to wait a little longer as truthfully I am not sure if I can handle #3 at the moment!! Normally moving up the list is cause for extreme excitement but in our case I can handle the slowness, though I don't want everyone else on the list to stop moving! One of my friends Liza texts me every once in awhile to let me know what # we are and causes me to have a slight panic attack! :)
So the last post Jason was on a mission trip to Ethiopia and Uganda. He was also supposed to go in 2012 but Will's court date and Kylie's birth both interrupted that trip! Kylie was due on Aug 11, Will's court date was on Aug 14 and Jason's trip was scheduled that week as well. I ended up being induced on Aug 5th, Kylie was born Aug 6th and Jason left for Ethiopia on Aug 10th. Thankfully my mom came down that week and helped me out with Kylie, which was a big relief! Jason did end up being able to hang out with his friends on the mission trip his last day in Ethiopia. The doctor's almost didn't let us get induced because apparently Kylie wasn't ready yet, but thankfully they let us (with a lot of prayers) and she was born pretty quickly after. It should have been a stressful week with all that was going on but God put a calmness over us and I just kinda knew that it would all work out so that Jason could witness his first biological child being born and make Will's court date. I recall that night when Jason was at Court and I was looking at my email every 10 minutes at around 3 am waiting to hear if we passed. I fell asleep at some point and I think it was around 6am when I heard the good news. Jason has a few stories of those few days that he'll share in Will's adoption book. It was a whirlwind from what I understand! Probably good that I wasn't there!!!
So now I will try to keep updating this blog because all of the previous info is still pertinent as we are still waiting for this little boy, he must be pretty special, as we have/are waiting a long time for him to be a part of our family!!!
Yeah! I'm excited to see a new post! So much has happened to your family within this past year and we have loved watching your family grow from two (or 3 if you count Lupe) to four!